If you wish to find more than a bed for your holiday, Kookooning is the website you must try discovering one of our 12 accommodations in Marseille.
Enjoy a unique experience during your holidays in Marseille with Kookooning. If you are looking for things to do in Marseille, our guests will be pleased to help you in discovering the things that you must not miss such as: Chapelle des bernardines, Maison dite "du Figaro" and Atelier Nadar. Our accommodations are classified by type so you can find exactly the one that suits you best for your stay such as: Cave dwelling, Village house, or Ecolodge. For the more discerning travelers, our owners offer labeled accommodations such as: Accueil paysan, Gîtes de France or Green Key. Our hosts propose thematic stays, the perfect gift idea for a romantic weekend around Marseille. Kookooning is the only site that aims to bring together travelers and hosts eager to share their passion.