Become a KooKooning host

Put your accommodations and activities under the spotlight


1. Sign in

The inscription on  is simple and free.
You can also sign in from your Facebook or your Twitter account.


2. Publish your listing

Once your profil is completed, we will guide you through the different steps to create your listing for your accommodations and activities.
Don't forget to fill in everything that defines your accommodation as unique and exceptional. For that purpose,
you can add several thematics and describe the activities provided on site or nearby.
Don't neglect that step, as it is really important for the travelers to know that they will be able to enjoy their favorite activities during their holidays.
As a matter of fact, it is usually this aspect which will give your accommodation its uniqueness and attractiveness.


3. Fill in your availabilities

From your KooKooning dashboard, you can create and modify your listings, view and manage your availabilities, your bookings, your statistics and your messages.
If a traveler sends a booking or an information request to you, you will receive a message in your KooKooning inbox (as well as an e-mail and a SMS).
You can then answer the request and start bonding with your future traveler.


4. Expand your activity

After their stay at your place, the traveler will be prompted to write a testimony about their experience at your accommodation and with you.
It is the occasion for you to display on your listing the best encounters and comments you have gathered.
To write your listing and promote your accommodation, take advantage of the advices shared by the Kookooning team.
You can also take it a step further, by creating your own website easily, based on your KooKooning listings.


5. Meet interesting people

On KooKooning, you will find travelers having common interests with you.
You can share your passions through all the different activities you offer, and exchange with your travelers on their tourist experience... On the KooKooning blog!

If you have any question, feel free to , the KooKooning team.